Raw material prices continue soft and business leaders successfully adjust to slower economic growth by using technology to reduce the labor and logistical component of goods and services sold; profit margins stay high. 原材料价格持续走软,商界领袖通过利用科技降低劳动力和物流在产品和服务中所占的比重,保证了利润高企,从而成功适应了经济增长放缓的形势。
Among them, some are cotton towel factories exporting soft goods to the USA and some are aiming at the European markets. 其中,有专门向美国出口的棉毛巾厂,向欧洲出口的纺织厂。
An Extension of the Concept of Public Goods: A Combination of Soft Goods and Hard Ones 公共品概念的扩展:软品与硬品的一种组合
Supporting and Protecting Technologies in Bad Location of Soft Crag Tunnel Excavation Encourage the use of Chinese goods and improve local products. 软岩隧道开挖不良部位支护实用技术提倡国货,改良土产。
Unique, modulating action pilot operated relief valve with soft seats having the ability to handle hot water, steam, hot hydrocarbon vapors or liquids, using inert plastic soft goods. 独特,调节先导救济行动与有能力处理好热水,蒸汽,热水的碳氢化合物蒸气或液体,使用惰性塑料软商品软座椅阀。
The first cause is intensive competition because apparel product is soft goods, comprising lower science technology and dense handwork labor, resulting in the lower entry barrier of industry. 因为服装产品是软体产品,具有低科技含量和高密集性手工劳动的特点,进入障碍很低。
Because of both the urgent need of the development of normal-incidence X-ray optics and the considerable achievements in the techniques of ultra-fine polishing and ultrathin multilayer fabricating, optical coatings for soft X-ray region have made rapid progress and matured into marketable goods. 由于正入射X光光学发展的迫切需要及超精细抛光与超薄多层膜制备技术的成就,适用于软X射线波段的光学薄膜已获得飞速发展并趋于成熟、走向市场。
Talk on application for soft ware of goods in stock 谈存货管理软件的应用
However, Chinese soft goods are mostly ecumenical and inferior because of the lack of innovating consciousness. They possess great disparity compare to up-market fabrics from foreign countries. 然而由于缺乏自主创新意识,中国目前的印染面料主要以中低档和中等偏下产品为主,与国外生产的高档面料有着很大的差距。
When consumers buy goods pay more attention to hidden behind the soft commodities in the commodity value, the soft value of the goods more often borne by the culture at this time of cultural goods has become the symbol. 消费者在购买商品时更看重隐藏在商品背后的软性商品价值,而这种软性商品价值更多是由文化来承担,此时的商品便成了文化的符号。
The soft power of city culture is to enhance cultural competitiveness to promote urban sustained economic development and social progress, in which the cultural innovation serves as the core, the culture industry as the carrier, and the high-quality art goods or culture brands as the means. 城市文化软实力是以文化的创新为核心,文化产业为载体,打造文艺精品和文化品牌为手段,通过增强文化的竞争力来推动城市经济的持续发展和社会的全面进步。